Personal Knowledge Management to Enhance the Effectiveness of Teacher Learning Management in Lao PDR
This study was intended to search the vital factors and indicators of personal knowledge management and the effectiveness of teacher learning management for primary school teachers in Lao PDR. A survey research design was employed to 600 teachers with the purpose of testing the goodness-of-fit of the identified vital factors and indicators with the empirical data. The results revealed that an entire of 30 indicators were recognized from 10 vital factors. The structural relationship model of personal knowledge management to enhance the effectiveness of teacher learning management indicators was found to be in parallel to the empirical data, with χ2 =382.319, df=342, χ 2/df=1.117, CFI=0.997, TLI=0.996, RMSEA=0.030, and SRMR=0.030. The results contribute significantly to knowledge with orientation to recommending a measurement model which can be referred by primary school teachers in Lao PDR in particular on how to utilize personal knowledge management skills to enhance their learning management capabilities.
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