Developing Factors and Indicators of Growth Mindset for School Administrators in Thailand
The sustainability of educational administration is depending on school administrators’ growth mindset. A growth mindset is detected to have a direct relationship with school achievement and success. Despite being an integral part of school leadership, the growth mindset of school administrators has been ignored by past researchers. Hence, this research is designed to investigate the growth mindset’s significant factors and indicators of high school administrators in Thailand. The researchers employed a quantitative approach survey design. A total of 460 school administrators and teachers participated in a survey using a multi-stage sampling technique. The researchers intended to test whether the identified factors and indicators are fitting with empirical data as the ultimate research outcome. The results revealed that there are a total of 17 indicators derived from the six factors in a growth mindset model. The measurement model of growth mindset is corroborated to the empirical data, with χ2=64.875, df=50, χ2/df=1.2975, CFI=0.99, TLI=0.99, RMSEA=0.02, and SRMR=0.01. In conclusion, the developed growth mindset model for high school administrators has a goodness-of-fit with the attained data. Finally, the results of this research have successfully proposed a measurement model that would be guidelines for school administrators to grow their positive mindset as our major contribution to the educational administration field.
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