Mathematics Educators’ Perspective on Pre-service Mathematics Teachers’ Professional Competencies
This research was designed to study pre-service mathematics teachers' professional competencies to assist student learning by using Lesson Study and Open Approach innovations from mathematics educators' perspectives. A total of 35 mathematics educators have more than three years of experience not only in terms of utilizing the Lesson Study and Open Approach innovations but also in providing training to the pre-service mathematics teachers were selected. The researchers employed three data collection methods, namely document analysis, a survey using a questionnaire, and interviews. The obtained data from three sources was designed with the principle of triangulation. The findings of this research were presented under the three steps of the Thailand Lesson Study Model. In the first step, “Collaboratively Design Research Lesson Plan”, pre-service teachers can create problem situations that associated with the students' real world, can analyze the context of the problem situations, can analyze keywords that initiate students' ideas, can anticipate students' ideas, and can prepare teaching materials to support students' ideas. This is followed by the second step as “Collaboratively Observe Research Lesson”. The findings revealed that pre-service teachers can observe students’ ideas when their students were solving mathematical problems, can notice students’ difficulties in their learning, can give feedback using words that match with students’ proficiency level, give students opportunities to show how to think and present their ideas, listen to and accept students’ opinions, and taking notes on students’ ideas or pieces of learning evidence. The findings of the final step namely “Collaboratively Reflect on Teaching Practice” showed that pre-service teachers could reflect the learning outcomes by correlating students’ ideas with the instructions.
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