Designing Online Learning Evaluation in Times of Covid-19 Pandemic
The research objective is to design of learning evaluation that becomes strategy in the Covid Pandemic 19. The study used qualitative research methods with case studies that construct unique and important special realities through data collection interviews and discussions by using case study analysis. The data was collected through online media such as google meetings as well as direct observation from informants, who were determined by purposive sampling, namely the management and student representatives of study groups at the Open University of Purwokerto City and private education institution of Pakis school in Cilongok District in Banyumas regency, Central Java of Indonesia. The research result that the process of service and implementation of education as well as its evaluation during the Covid-19 pandemic must still take place using adaptation and innovation strategies in the form of online learning media through the application media for the Microsoft Teams and Learning Management System (LMS) program. Implementing innovative learning through online media has been successfully implemented practically and effectively, but there is still a need for special socialization and training on an ongoing basis. Evaluation of services and implementation of education is very important to do to provide program improvement and results and evaluation could be effectively carried out through google form and Learning Management System (LMS).
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