The Development and Application of Tangshan Shadow Culture in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language
As a manifestation of diversity and authentic expression of Chinese culture, regional culture is of great significance in enhancing the influence of Chinese civilization and spreading China’s voice. The selection of ‘Tangshan shadow’ cultural project will integrate with classroom teaching and extracurricular activities, oral lectures and practical exercises, physical exhibition and modern digital intelligence resource experience according to the multi-form and diversified teaching practices inside and outside the classroom. It will bring Chinese culture from the written word to reality, and promote local culture. Furthermore, In the light of the current situation of the regional culture represented by the ‘Tangshan shadow’ about curriculum, teachers’ teaching, textbook development, and cultural resource application, strategies for optimization will be proposed. They include enriching the curriculum, raising teachers’ awareness of cultural teaching, developing systematic teaching materials, organizing cultural events, and creating cultural experience programs. So, these strategies will be more favourable to the application and development of that culture in teaching Chinese as a foreign language.
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