The Philosophy of Islamic education Based on Moderation Diversity in Indonesia
Diversity is an essential condition that cannot be avoided in society. Religion has advantages and disadvantages. This study aims to describe the role of Islamic education philosophy based on the diversity that exists in Indonesia. There are three critical questions in this research that will be answered, namely, about the concept of Islamic education philosophy, the idea of moderation in Indonesia, and the implementation of the moderation philosophy of Islamic education in Indonesia. This research is a literature study and a theoretical study. Sources of data are based on primary data derived from existing theories and also from the results of research that has been carried out. Using a content analysis approach to explain how Islamic religious education is, the efficacy of moderation in Indonesia, and the three implementations of the philosophy of moderation based on Islamic Education in Indonesia, the research findings conclude that there are three concepts. The first is Islamic philosophy. Second education, from the idea of moderation in Indonesia and its implementation. The three Islamic religious education in Indonesia is based on moderation. The results of this study have many shortcomings, especially from data filing and data analysis, which have an impact on the conclusions found. Subsequent research can be carried out to complement and refine the results of this study.
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