Gender and Learners' Beliefs in Corrective Feedback in Learning Chinese as a Foreign Language: A Network Questionnaire Survey Report
This network questionnaire survey aims to confirm whether gender differences exist in learners’ beliefs in corrective feedback (CF) in learning Chinese as a foreign language (LCFL). Ninety-seven (53 male and 44 female) university learners of Chinese from 33 countries participated in the survey. The statistical results indicated that there were little significant differences in male and female learners’ beliefs in CF in LCFL except in two psychological effects in which male learners seemed more emotional or grateful to teachers’ correction; that culture did not influence male and female learners’ beliefs in CF; that self-correction and teachers’ correction are more welcomed than peers’; that immediate correction in specific contexts was preferred; that teachers were supposed to tell the learners where the mistake was before correcting it; that it was not confirmed whether direct or indirect correction was better; that learners’ preference of frequency of CF was between sometimes or often; and that negative effects of CF were not found. These findings may contribute to the Chinese teachers’ understanding of learners as individuals and to correction methods teachers adopt while confronting learners’ errors in teaching Chinese as a foreign language (TCFL) classes.
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