Designing Family Empowerment Program: Community Education in Times of Covid-19 Pandemic
The Family Empowerment Post (Posdaya) has been running as a model for implementing community development, especially in rural areas in the fields of education, health and economy. However, it has only provided minimum service standards and has not been able to achieve the maximum in terms of transferring knowledge and skills to the community. Therefore, this study aimed to design an empowerment program through community education to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic. Using the qualitative case study, informants were selected purposively from the village government, Posdaya administrators and members, community and youth leaders and entrepreneurial groups. Data collection was carried out through observation, interviews, discussion and document analysis. Triangulation was used as verification of the data collected. The results showed that responsive, productive and innovative empowerment programs in the form of informal and vocational learning based on local resources are needed as a medium to increase motivation, knowledge and entrepreneurial skills of the community to maintain the welfare and the health of family members and village communities, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic.
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