Factors Influencing Academic Achievement in Preclinical Students
Academic achievement is a major concern of preclinical students. This study aimed to determine factors influencing academic achievement in preclinical years. Questionnaires were sent to all students of the 2019 class at the 1st (2019/1) and 2nd preclinical years (2019/2) and the 2018 class at the 2nd preclinical year (2018/2) without sampling, with 85.11% (280/328), 86.32% (284/328), and 83.54% (274/328) being returned, respectively. Students were divided into Q1 (lowest)-Q2-Q3-Q4 (highest) according to quartiles of their GPA. Q4 students had higher examination expectation and achievement of study targets in all classes and more time spent on non-recorded-e-lecture study in the 2018/2 and 2019/2 classes; but lower time spent on recorded-e-lecture study in the 2019/1 class and non-academic-internet use in the 2019/2 and 2018/2 classes than other groups. In contrast, Q1 students had higher instances of lateness and absence/year in the 2019/2 and 2018/2 classes but lower happiness scores in the 2018/2 class compared to other groups. Obese and overweight students had significantly lower GPA than normal weight and underweight students of the 2019/2 class (p<0.05 all). The current year GPA had significant positive correlations with the previous year GPA, examination expectation, achievement of study targets, and time spent on non-recorded-e-lecture study; but had significant negative correlations with time spent on recorded-e-lecture study and non-academic internet use, instances of lateness and absence/year, and BMI (p<0.05 all). In conclusion, students with more self-regulation strategies in many aspects of self-regulated learning, including time management, learning strategies, emotion control, motivation, and self-efficacy, had better academic outcomes.
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