The Relationship Of Instructional Leadership Towards Teachers’ Development Through Instructional Coaching Among Malaysian School Leaders
Malaysian Education Development Plan (2013 - 2025) has outlined 11 shifts that focus on the development of the Malaysian education system. The 5th shift highlights the role of principals as instructional leaders who are responsible for bringing excellence to the organization through improving teachers' knowledge and skills within teaching and learning. Accordingly, this study aimed to identify the relationship of instructional leadership (IL) towards teacher development (TD) through instructional coaching (IC) among Malaysian school leaders. The study design is a survey method with a quantitative approach using questionnaire. Total of sample involved in this study are 1265 respondents consisting of principals and head teachers, Senior Curriculum Assistant, Head of Subject Field, Head of Subject Committee, and teachers. Samples were selected based on multi-stage cluster sampling method. Data were analysed using inferential statistics (Pearson correlation and multiple regressions). Pearson correlation test shows that the relationship between instructional leadership and instructional coaching towards teacher development is significant. Whereas multiple regression analysis shows that instructional leadership and instructional coaching were correlated and contributed significantly to teacher development.
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