Analysis of the Level of the Teacher Efficacy of Beginning Agriculture Teachers in Eswatini
Over the past decade, researchers continually emphasized the role of teacher efficacy in teaching effectiveness. A descriptive survey was used to investigate the level of teacher efficacy of beginning agriculture teachers in Eswatini. The population of the study were senior secondary school beginning agriculture teachers in Eswatini. The study is a census, involving all senior secondary school agriculture teachers who had up to five years of agriculture teaching experience. 161 agriculture teachers participated in the study. Data were collected using a self-administered modified Teachers’ Self-Efficacy Scale (TSES) with a .92 reliability coefficient. The data were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Beginning agriculture teachers were moderately efficacious in classroom management, instructional strategies and student engagement. Gender, subject specialization and affiliation to professional development bodies accounted for significant differences in teacher efficacy on selected agriculture teaching tasks. Beginning agriculture teachers are capable of getting the desired learning outcomes from senior secondary school agriculture students as indicated by the moderate level of teacher efficacy. Pre-service teacher training programmes should strengthen curriculum content on ways of engaging students.
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