Effectiveness of Song, Drill and Game Strategy in Improving Mathematical Performance
This study examined the effectiveness of SoDriGa strategy in teaching mathematics among 4th-grade pupils of Batangas State University ARASOF- Nasugbu Laboratory School. The data from the results of TIMSS (2003) and PISA (2018) revealed that there were poor mathematical performances among Filipino learners. On the need to address this issue on enhancing mathematics instruction, it is imperative that relevant efforts to be conducted to improve performance among Filipino learners. The aforementioned innovation in teaching is consonant to the provisions of Section 10.2 paragraph (a), (d), and (k) of Republic Act 10533, Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013, that the curriculum shall be learner- centered, contextualized, and flexible enough to enable and allow schools to localize and indigenize instructional materials. Using multiple pre- and post-tests design, the findings revealed that respondents consistently performed well in their post-test. The result suggested that SoDriGa was a helpful study tool as it increased cognitive gains, motivation and built positive attitude towards learning mathematics while pupils’ mastery and retention of concepts being taught were improved. Thus, SoDriGa as an effective strategy may be adapted and implemented in schools to enhance mathematics’ instruction and further improve pupils’ performance.
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