Teachers’ Perception in Writing Action Research in a Public Elementary School in the Philippines
Action research plays an important role in education. It enables teachers to discover what went wrong and what could be done to address classroom problems and issues. Consequently, it has now become one of the major professional development concerns for public school teachers in the Philippines. Teachers are encouraged by the Department of Education (DepEd) and the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) to conduct a school-based action research as part of their performance appraisal and evaluation. In addition, it helps the teachers to explore innovative teaching strategies that will suit the needs of the learners. Although, there are promising benefits brought by research, it still remains a challenge among educators due to tight teaching work loads and ancillary roles performed by teachers.
To address this issue, the study aimed to assess the teachers’ perception in writing research based on their level of agreement. Its end goal is to help school administrators and education planners to develop capacity building that will help teachers to appreciate more the value of research. It utilized a quantitative-descriptive design. Fifteen (15) teachers were involved in the study that represented the 100% of the total population of the teaching force in the school. The main data-gathering instrument used was questionnaire. Computation of the weighted mean and ranking were employed in the statistical treatment of data. The results revealed that teachers strongly agreed on the basic principles of action research which signifies their knowledge and understanding of what research is all about. Continuous professional development is suggested to upgrade and strengthen teachers’ skills in writing educational research.
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