Determining the Opinions of Pupils on Space Professions

A Local Case Study (Greece)

  • Evangelos C. Papakitsos Centre for Counselling & Vocational Guidance of Elefsina, Greece
  • Anastasios Mavrakis Panteion University of Social & Political Sciences, Greece
  • Konstantinos Karakiozis Youth Counselling Station of Western Attica, Greece
  • Xenophon Vamvakeros Secondary Education Directorate of Western Attica, Greece
Keywords: Space professions, secondary education, environmental observation


The purpose of this study was to plan educational interventions for informing the school population of Western Attica (Greece), an area with acute social and environmental problems (unemployment and natural disasters), about Space professions and their career perspectives. Accordingly, a questionnaire for determining the opinions of senior high-school pupils on the related issues had been designed and used for conducting a limited preliminary survey, to evaluate the entire process. This survey indicated that pupils are not aware of the related career prospects. The recording of the opinions about Space professions revealed that they are strongly associated with the profession of astronaut, although there are many more that can contribute to social welfare and environmental protection. Therefore, an educational intervention should be planned around three main points; these of presenting: Space professions, available career options and motives for pursuing them.

Image of a forest-fire in Western Attica (2018-07-23), marked red on the left of the map