Religious Counseling as an Informal Education Approach in Rehabilitation of Drug Addicts
Drug abuse has become a problem and a threat to development, especially human development and the younger generation. The research aims to describe and analyze religious counseling as an informal education approach in the rehabilitation of drug addicts. This study uses a qualitative case study method,that selects informants by purposive sampling, i.e. the management of foundation, religious counselor and drug addicts. The data was collected through interviews, observation and documentation with interactional analysis. The research is located at An-Nur and Nurul Ichsan Al Islami foundation in Purbalingga Regency, Central Java. The result showed that prevention and rehabilitation of drug abuse has not only been supported by law enforcement, medical and psychological rehabilitation, but also by social, herbal and spiritual rehabilitation through religious counseling as an informal education approach. The religious counseling as an informal education approach is an effective rehabilitation through prayer, dhikr, recitation, rukyah, spiritual cleansing, natural cultivation, religious tourism and herbal therapies are aimed to prevent drug dependence that damages both physically and mentally. Then the process is continued by reinforcing faith and devotion, returning human identity that is always worshiping, doing good, preventing badness and bcoming e a blessing for all nature.

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