The Implementation of SETS (Science, Environment, Technology, and Society) Approach Through Flood Natural Disaster Mitigation
Disaster can happen anytime and anywhere, therefore the solutions offered for students' understanding of disaster, one of them is the SETS approach through disaster mitigation. This research aims to determine the learning process and to know the students’ activities, and their responses towards SETS approach through disaster mitigation. This research is a qualitative type with a sample of 37 students. Data collection techniques are the results of observations, questionnaires, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that 90% of students were more active, have the spirit to learn, and the response towards learning is very good. The implementation of SETS approach through mitigation is appropriate to do, because students experience the direct occurrence of flood disaster. With the introduction to disaster mitigation, students can realize the importance of preserving the natural environment and minimize the impact of disasters that can harm the community.

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