From the Arctic to the Tropics: A Thematic Analysis of Teacher Candidates’ Reflections of Two Cross-Cultural Programs

  • Laura S. Anderson Lee University, United States
  • Jo Ann B. Higginbotham Lee University, United States
Keywords: culturally responsive teaching, global learning, teacher preparation, intercultural competency, reflective journals, teacher education


This study describes how one university prepares culturally responsive teacher candidates through Alaska and Thailand cross-cultural summer study trips. The study addressed the impact of the Alaska and Thailand cross-cultural experiences on teacher candidates as described in their reflective writings. The reflections addressed their socialization and depth of understanding and appreciation of children and adults from another culture. The authors looked for parallel themes that emerged as characteristics of both experiences.

Author Biographies

Laura S. Anderson, Lee University, United States

Dr. Laura Anderson, Professor of Education, has enjoyed a 28-year tenure at Lee University.   Her research interests are in children’s literature, literacy, and cross-cultural experiences.

Jo Ann B. Higginbotham, Lee University, United States

Dr. Jo Ann Higginbotham, Professor of Education, has taught at Lee University for 40 years. Her research interests include children’s literature and literacy, teaching diverse learners, arts integration, and cross-cultural experiences.


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