Student Performance and Perception of the Teaching Methodologies Implemented by COVID-19
The 2007 London Communiqué Towards the European Higher Education Area: responding to the challenges of a globalized world confirms that a major effect of this globalization process will be a transition to student-centered higher education. This methodological transition in teaching processes has been accompanied in all cases by technological innovation, but it is the health crisis caused by COVID-19 that drives and accelerates it.
Given this, we ask ourselves how student performance has been affected as a result of the accelerated emergence of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in teaching processes, for which the results of the continuous evaluation of students of a certain subject before and after the pandemic.
The achievements show that both at a quantitative level and in the perception of the students, the changes have been positive and should have been carried out earlier, that progressivity in teaching innovations loses its meaning due to the volatile and uncertain environment in which we operate and that we learn and teachers are able to adapt quickly, even if this forces them to leave our comfort zone.
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