A Comparative Study between Jordanian Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient (U-Value) and International Building Codes, With Thermal Bridges Effect Investigation
Depletion of fossil fuel and the environmental effect associated with the use of it have made the topic of “thermal insulation regulations” a major concern in country Jordan and worldwide. This paper reviews the overall heat transfer coefficient U-value in Jordanian code for the building envelope, which represents how much the building envelope transfer heat to the outside environment. U-value was reviewed with respect to the following factors, heating degree days, the heating load required to achieve thermal comfort. Based on the review a new U-value of 0.65 W/m2.K was proposed and it was found that this value reduces the energy demand almost 50%. Moreover, the thermal bridge effect was investigated and it was found that an obvious increase in the U-value is present when having thermal bridges; this will affect the energy demand, almost 200%.
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