Intelligent Pubescent Oak Forests (Quercus Pubescens Wild.) From Dobroudja Plateau, Romania
Dobrudjea Plateau, located in south-east Romania, is characterized by low altitudes, old rocks, a temperate-continental climate and a silvosteppe and steppe vegetation. Pubescent oak is one of the tree species characteristic for this area. With average dimensions, this tree fulfils numerous ecosystem functions.
The concept of “Climate-Smart Forestry – CSF” is recent and was adapted in this article for the pubescent oak characteristic for this area; clear and measurable criterions were also identified and applies for this species in order to identify the smart stands.
Smart pubescent oak forests represent 3% of all this specie’s stands and are more common in the north part of Dobrudjea Plateau. They are characterized by advanced ages (61-70 years), 20%-30% compositions and even-aged structures. The forests are located on relatively small distances from forest roads, at altitudes of 100m - 250 m, and on west and east expositions.
The present study has showed that smart pubescent oak forests can be established by taking into account 14 site (flora, soil or forest type) and stand conditions (pruning, vitality, average diameter and height, functional group and category, litter). The identification of these stands is extremely important for their protection as well as for applying the appropriate silvicultural measures.
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