The Usage of Non-Wood Forest Products - Culinary and Artisanal Traditions in Romania
Non-wood forest products are essential for numerous industrial branches, as well as for the creation of culinary and artisanal products. From this point of view, Romania has numerous such products. The present article succinctly describes ten products resulted from the local usage of some non-wood forest products: porcini soup in Bucovina (Porcinis mushrooms -Boletus edulis-); hârzobi in Neamt (trout fish- Salmo trutta fario); common beech trout in Covasna (Pleurotus ostreatus mushrooms); truffles-Tuber sp.- zacusca (stew) in Bucharest; holopchi with porridge and porcini or honey mushrooms in Moisei; fir bellows cheese in Bran Moeciu; brandy from bird cherry fruits (Prunus avium) in Brad; tinder mushroom (Inonotus obliquus) in Harghita; fir’s needles for dead wreaths in Sibiu; rattle, rich snowdrop flowers, dried crocus flowers, roots and bark (privet bark, black alder bark, buckthorn bark) in Botiza. Knowing and promoting (creating local brands) these products is extremely important.
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