Conceptualizing Blockchain Technology in Utilization of Social Welfare Service for the Disabled
This study analyzed factors influencing acceptance intention for blockchain technology in social welfare services for the disabled. Security and economics were the leading variables related to blockchain technology acceptance. Willingness to pay, fairness, and regulation were the leading variables reflecting characteristics of public services. UTAUT (Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology) was used as a research model, and performance expectations, effort expectations, and social impact were considered. Based on the blockchain-based virtual disabled voucher process, this study utilized prior knowledge based on the use of rehabilitation center. The STATA / SE 12.0 statistical program was used to analyze demographic frequency, factor analysis, reliability, and structural equation modeling (SEM). Pay-out and fairness have the greatest influence on acceptance intention, and economic and regulatory factors are the next influential factors. Only economic performance has been identified as a leading variable influencing the expectations of effort, and security has been shown to affect only social impact. Economic performance influenced performance expectation, effort expectation, and social influence. Expectation of effort did not affect acceptance intention. This study provides useful information for establishing a practical strategy when introducing blockchain technology to the public service called disabled welfare.
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