Spatiotemporal Evolution of Carbon Emissions in the Chengdu-Chongqing Region
This study analyzes the spatiotemporal dynamics of carbon emissions in the Chengdu-Chongqing urban agglomeration from 2000 to 2022 using nighttime light (NTL) data, Moran’s I analysis, and centroid analysis. The results reveal significant regional disparities in carbon emissions, with rapid growth observed in northwestern cities such as Chengdu, Mianyang, and Deyang, while southeastern regions, including Chongqing’s urban core, show phase-specific increases. The carbon emission centroid exhibits a general northwestward shift, reflecting the growing contribution of Sichuan’s industrial cities, with temporary southeastward movements indicating localized emission surges in Chongqing. Moran’s I analysis demonstrates a transition from strong spatial clustering in the early 2000s to spatial dispersion by 2022, driven by urbanization and regional policy interventions.
The study highlights the importance of region-specific strategies to address emission disparities, promote sustainable development, and achieve carbon neutrality. Recommendations include enhancing renewable energy adoption, improving energy efficiency, and strengthening regional coordination. By leveraging spatial tools and dynamic modeling, this research provides valuable insights into carbon emission management in rapidly urbanizing regions like the Chengdu-Chongqing urban agglomeration.
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