Community Empowerment Program Based on Green Economy in Preserving Herbs as Local Wisdom
Rural communities have ways to maintain the health of their families, and the community environment by processing plants and herbal products during the Corona Virus Disease-2019 (Covid-19) pandemic. The study aims to design a community empowerment program base on the green economy in preserving herbs as local wisdom. The study used Participatory Learning and Action (PLA) is relevant to the design of empowerment by collecting data through interview dialogue, observation, documentation, and focus group discussions. Research informants were determined through purposive sampling, namely stakeholders in the government of Tegal Regency, Central Java Province in Indonesia, such as the head of the health department and regional technical implementing unit for the Herbal Medicine Tourism (HMT) area in Kalibakung, the Headman of the Kalibakung Village, herbal practitioners, and empowerment groups. Participatory research analysis was used to identify, and categorize problems, prepare action plans, evaluate the entire process, and implement actions. The results of the study showed: (1) The community around the HMT area has not been empowered to cultivate plants and herbal products, so mutually beneficial partnerships have not been established. (2) HMT area in Kalibakung and the surrounding community land have the potential for cultivating herbal plants that can realize health independence for families, and communities, so there need to be empowerment programs. (3) The empowerment programs for the cultivation of plants and herbal products could be started by increasing the motivation and inspiration for the benefits of herbs, knowledge, understanding, and skills of products, and the cultivation of herbal plants in a sustainable manner.
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