Community Empowerment in Culinary Tourism as Sustainable Rural Development
The development of economic institutions through business groups and Village-Owned Enterprises has become the foundation of the economy at the regional, urban and national levels. The study used the qualitative Participatory Learning and Action (PLA) method to identify community problems and potentials and understand deeply the situation of a community. The research targets are the Soto Klamud Business Group and the Peanut and Seed Economic Business Group which are located in the Toyareja Village, in Purbalingga. which can be used as examples of success in other research locations, namely the Kartadesa Village Owned Enterprise in Sambak Village, Kajoran District, Magelang Regency of Central Java. The data is collected through interviews, documentation, observation, and Participatory Decision Making (PDM). In addition, the informants have decided purposively namely the management of business groups and village-owned enterprises, village governments, and customers. The study used qualitative data analysis by collecting data, reducing, categorizing, verifying, triangulating, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that: (1) The process of developing socio-economic engineering in business groups must be supported by universities or academics and social institutions as activists who sustainably care about community empowerment by conducting counseling, training on institutional and business management as well as marketing, and assisting with access to partnerships. (2) Sustainable development in culinary tourism can be realized through empowerment programs such as counseling, training, and mentoring for the younger generation to become successful entrepreneur.
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