The Dynamics of Balinese Lexicon in Sanur Tourism Area: An Ecolinguistic Approach
Ecolinguistics has been the research interest for many linguists in recent years. However, ecolinguitic researches in Indonesia are still concerned on examining the lexicon in one particular field. For this reason, this study aims to examine the lexicon treasures found in tourism area of Sanur. This is chosen as the object of this research as the tourism area is most at risk of being exposed to globalization due to tourism developments. The flow of globalization due to the development of information technology and tourism can change behavior, social attitudes or social life of the society, and the biological environment of the area as well. Based on the research results, it was found that the lexicons used by the Sanur community are not only lexicons that have a physical form or an activity, but there are also some lexicons that only refer to the concept (abstract) without finding the objects or physical activities referred to by these lexicons. The people of Sanur also feel that in the early development of tourism in the area there was still a balance between the environment and the needs of tourism.
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