A Study of East Loloan Communities’ Ritual Activities Spoken in Balinese Malay Language
The purpose of this study was to examine the discourse of Balinese Malay-language rituals activities which includes (a) the structure of discourse, (b) cohesion, (c) metalinguistic analysis, and (d) cultural context; and the dynamics of traditional discourse and Balinese Malay-language culture in the community. This study applied the theory of discourse analysis that viewed the language used in context, which means that people can communicate because they understand discourse (text), context, and patterns or structure. The choice of the informants was by applying the purposive sampling method with certain criteria. The data was obtained through semi-structured interviews. The research location was in East Loloan, as the center of Balinese Malay language speakers. The research findings showed that the discourse of traditional activities and Balinese Malay-language culture used language (microstructure) which was classified as the barrel of an oral language, so that the speech style was clearly visible, both in the structure of discourse, the use of cohesion, and its metalinguistic elements. Meanwhile, in the language (macro structure) it was seen that the use of language for the disclosure of Malay culture that was closely related to Islam/Moslem religion. This could be seen in the co-text of the use of the terms silaturahmi, ngangini, and the context of the use of cultural symbols such as penyingset as a symbol of the men paying attention to and respecting women in traditional customs. Furthermore, in the dynamics of cultural discourse, there appeared to be an attraction between the retention of identity and accommodation in situations and conditions that lead to be changed by the time.
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