A Study on the Tang Poetry Translation in the Perspective of "Harmony-Guided Three-Level Poetry Translation Criteria"

A Case Study of Li Bai's "Qing Ping Melody (Three Poems)"

  • Xu Xinyi Yangtze University, P. R. China
  • Wang Feng Yangtze University, P. R. China
Keywords: tang poetry translation, Harmony-guided Three-Level poetry translation criteria, “Qing Ping Melody (three poems)”


Tang poetry, a treasure of Chinese classical culture and art, is one of the precious representatives of the Chinese historical and cultural heritage. With its rich form, wide range of subjects and unique artistic charm, it represents the highest level of Chinese classical poetry. Based on Dr. Wang Feng's "Harmony-guided Three-Level poetry translation criteria", this paper compares and analyzes four English versions of different styles in different periods of Li Bai's "Qing Ping Melody (three poems)", and demonstrates that the theory is reasonable and feasible as the principle of poetry translation practice and criticism, aiming to encourage researchers to pay more attention to the field of Tang poetry translation and promote the further dissemination of Chinese classical poetry.


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