Translation of Multi-Word Verbs in English Cookbook into Indonesian
This paper examines translation of multi-word verbs in English cookbook into Indonesian. This study emphasises on the analysis of the translations of multi-word verbs in English cookbook and its translation into Indonesian. The classification and the meaning of phrasal verbs are proposed by Quirk (1985). The research is descriptive qualitative. Methods of collecting data are observation and documentation. The data source was taken from English cookbook entitled The Essential Book of Sauces & Dressings from Murdoch Books published by Periplus, Singapore and its translation into Indonesian entitled Saus dan Dressing yang Esensial by Hadyana P. published by Periplus, Indonesia. The study shows that there are three types of multi-word verbs found in data source. They are phrasal verbs, prepositional verbs and phrasal prepositional verbs.
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