English Reading Anxiety in Relation to the Oral Reading Fluency of Grade 11 Students

  • Jane Charity Estrada-Madronero Ozamiz City National High School, Philippines
Keywords: anxiety, fluency, instructional level, reading, skill


Reading is an essential skill that students need to develop. However, readers may experience anxiety in reading materials in English. This study determined the level of English reading anxiety in relation to the oral reading fluency of the 163 Grade 11 students of Ozamiz City National High School, Ozamiz City. A descriptive-correlational design was used in the study. Adopted English Reading Anxiety Questionnaire and a Multidimensional Fluency Scale for Oral Reading Fluency were used in gathering the data. Mean, Standard Deviation, and Regression Analysis were the statistical tools used in analyzing the data gathered. Results revealed that the level of English reading anxiety of the respondents was high, and their level of oral reading fluency was instructional. There was a highly significant relationship between the English reading anxiety and the oral reading fluency of the students. Anxiety affects how well students read materials in English.


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Test of significant relationship between the level of students’ English reading anxiety and oral reading fluency (ORF)
How to Cite
Estrada-Madronero, J. C. (2019, March 30). English Reading Anxiety in Relation to the Oral Reading Fluency of Grade 11 Students. International Linguistics Research, 2(1), p20. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.30560/ilr.v2n1p20