The Union of Positive and Negative Polarities in the Tale of Love and Madness

  • Romel M. Aceron Batangas State University, Philippines
Keywords: stylistics, text-based analysis, extreme polarities, tale, character, virtue


This paper is an attempt at objectively and critically examining the value of stylistics in literary understanding and interpretation. Literary text is language with its form, purpose, and meaning. In addition, this set of standards in literary text varies according to style. So, stylistics in literature, as another category of linguistics, has been the center of this analysis to solely determine the place of interpretation of literary texts. This literary text analysis is anchored on stylistics and objective criticism to determine, understand and interpret the relevance of the text with regard to its form, purpose, meaning, and style. This attempt is a text-based analysis which examines the literary features of the poem “The Tale of Love and Madness”.


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How to Cite
M. Aceron, R. (2019, January 26). The Union of Positive and Negative Polarities in the Tale of Love and Madness. International Linguistics Research, 2(1), p15.