Communication Skills in Handling Hoteliers' Grievances
Communication skills in handling hoteliers’ grievances have been a great concern in hospitality industry. Hence, this descriptive research was conducted to assess the extent of communication skills of the respondents in handling grievances relative to commissive, declarative, expressive, and representative. It determined the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of age, gender, civil status, status of employment, position, and role of committee on grievances. It also determined if there was a significant difference on the respondents’ assessment of communication skills handling hoteliers’ grievances when grouped according to their profile. It was conducted to provide input to have effective communication skills in handling grievances. The researchers used descriptive research method in order to assess the communication skills in handling hoteliers’ grievances. There were no sampling techniques used in the study. The researchers limited their respondents to fifteen hoteliers and members of grievance committee. The survey questionnaire served as data gathering tool while frequency, weighted mean, and ANOVA were used to test the communication skills in handling grievances. The researchers found out that majority of the grievance committee members in the selected hotel establishments were in the age of 24-38, male, married employee with a regular permanent job. The study found out that there was no significant difference on the assessment of the respondents when they were grouped according to their profile. It further revealed communication skills of members in handling hoteliers’ grievances was highly observed. Based on the findings, the researchers proposed a course of action as input for effective communication skills in handling grievances.
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