Seven Linear B Syllabograms of Conventionally Unknown Phonetic Value

  • Ioannis K. Kenanidis Primary Education Directorate of Kavala, Greece
  • Evangelos C. Papakitsos Secondary Education Directorate of Western Attica, Greece
Keywords: Aegean syllabaries, Cretan Protolinear, Linear B, Eteocretan language, Minoan syllabograms


This paper presents seven syllabograms (signs used for Consonant-Vowel [CV] syllables) of the Linear B syllabary that are conventionally considered of unknown phonetic value. This presentation is conducted following the theory of the Cretan Protolinear syllabary as the one that all the Aegean syllabaries evolved from, namely Linear A, Cretan Hieroglyphics, Linear B, cognate to Cypro-Minoan and the Linear Cypriot Greek. It is demonstrated that the phonetic value of each syllabogram corresponds to the Eteocretan name (in a conservative dialect of Sumerian) of the concrete object depicted by each syllabogram. Thus, more light is shed on the linguistic ancestry of the Minoan scripts and the practice followed for their creation.

Syllabograms for metal
How to Cite
Kenanidis, I., & Papakitsos, E. (2018, August 29). Seven Linear B Syllabograms of Conventionally Unknown Phonetic Value. International Linguistics Research, 1(2), p22.