Less is More? Exploring Cultural Implicature in Emotive Communication: A Case Study of 'Xihuan' in Chinese Literature
This study investigates the emotive communication patterns associated with the term "xihuan" (like) in Mandarin Chinese and evaluates the applicability of Grice's maxims within the context of Chinese culture. Employing a mixed-methods approach, the research draws data from contemporary Chinese literature and utilizes both qualitative content analysis and pragmatic analysis to examine how "xihuan" is pragmatically employed to express affection. The findings reveal a cultural preference among Chinese speakers for restrained emotional expression, influenced by an interdependent self-construal and a cultural emphasis on face preservation. Furthermore, the study identifies instances where speakers intentionally flout Grice's maxims, thereby infusing their communication with emotional significance. These subtle violations are enacted and perceived in contextually and culturally specific ways, enabling the transmission of emotive cues. To elucidate these nuances, the concept of cultural implicature is introduced, demonstrating how speakers convey profound emotional meaning through understated expressions that align with cultural norms favoring subtlety over overt emotional displays. In conclusion, this research enhances the understanding of emotive communication in Mandarin Chinese by highlighting the interaction between cultural norms and pragmatic mechanisms. It contributes to the fields of cross-linguistic and cross-cultural studies by emphasizing the role of cultural factors in shaping language use and emotional expression.
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