The Technology Dilemma - Defining the Line Between Need and Addiction

  • Ejup Rustemi University of Tetova, North Macedonia
  • Mefail Tahiri University of Tetova, North Macedonia
Keywords: technology, addiction, Internet, need, digital devices


It is possible that addiction is a subject that bears philosophical investigation due to the widespread nature of the problem and the degree to which it is intimately recognizable to us. The field of psychology, with its primary focus on clinical modes of discourse, has historically been the only one to undertake research in the area of addiction. Developing an effective treatment strategy for addiction is a very different challenge than merely comprehending the nature of addiction itself, especially if we add technology to the equation. However, if philosophy is able to contribute to such an understanding, then it may not be owing just to the insightful musings of philosophers, but rather to the increasingly provocative nature of the problem, issue, or even reality that is being investigated. It is possible that addiction is more of a forerunner of shifting cultural horizons and a symbol of an impending (human) crisis than it is merely a medical or clinical condition. If this is the case, then addiction is indicative of an impending crisis. By presenting a point of entrance to this historical fork in the road, it is possible that the subject of addiction can become debatable, or in other words, transform into a philosophical conundrum. This paper is trying to give in insight of the thin line between need and addiction in using technology.


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How to Cite
Rustemi, E., & Tahiri, M. (2023, November 29). The Technology Dilemma - Defining the Line Between Need and Addiction. International Linguistics Research, 6(3), p9.