A Study of Russia's First 19th Century Textbook of Korean Texts in Linguistic and Cultural Perspective

Keywords: learning to read, Korean texts, Kim Byeong-ok, medieval Korean, Korean textbook, first Korean textbook, integrated approach, Chunghyangjeong


Traditionally instruction of speech, grammar and reading in Korean has been carried out in separate educational units. Recently learning the Korean language has shifted from merely mastering grammar to focusing on spoken language and the communication skills. This article sheds the light on the need for integrated language learning activities in the Korean language and culture instruction using the 19th textbook Chunhyangjeon by Kim Byeong-ok. This research examines the Korean Texts of Chunhyangjeon – the first textbook introduced in Russia for reading in the medieval Korean language. The main purpose of this study is to better understand how the reading, grammar, and culture aspects of the Korean language were taught in Russia in the 19th century. The analysis revealed the need for integrating the medieval Korean texts into the Korean reading classes. The importance of combining the integrated Korean language instruction with the direct teaching method is also discussed. The author argues for the need to use both the traditional reading learning method and the mixed approach, which includes reading and understanding the writer, the reader, and the cultural context. Finally, this article is trying to provide a rationale for integrating reading and grammar education for higher learning outcomes in developing linguistic abilities and language comprehension.


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Chunhyangjeon Content Development
How to Cite
Hye Ran, K. (2023, December 11). A Study of Russia’s First 19th Century Textbook of Korean Texts in Linguistic and Cultural Perspective. International Linguistics Research, 6(3), p15. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.30560/ilr.v6n3p15