A Sociolinguistic View of Globalization

  • Manar Almanea College of Languages and Translation, Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University, Saudi Arabia
Keywords: globalization, migration, language change, English as an international language


The present study offers an analysis of the effects of globalization from a sociolinguistic point of view. It attempts to discuss the tremendous effects of globalization on societies and languages. The major characteristics of globalization as noticed nowadays are excessive communication (through language of course) and increased mobility all around the world. Therefore, the study elaborates on the consequences of globalization in two basic dimensions, people's mobility (migration and ease of traveling), and language mobility (which resulted in the development of English as an international language). The discussion strongly suggests that many of the established sociolinguistic phenomena become questionable in the current era of globalization. Several issues about languages and societies such as dialects and lingua franca appeared to require further sociolinguistic examination and a sustainable definition. In its dynamism of change, the future of the sociolinguistics of globalization will continue to raise an array of questions and concerns.


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How to Cite
Almanea, M. (2023, January 4). A Sociolinguistic View of Globalization. International Linguistics Research, 6(1), p1. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.30560/ilr.v6n1p1