Analysis of the Teaching Strategy of English Continuation Task in Senior High School from the Perspective of Metacognitive Theory

  • Li Qin Gannan Normal University, China
  • Xie Min Gannan Normal University, China
Keywords: teaching strategy, senior high school, English continuation task, metacognitive theory


With the emergence of new question type in the English reform of college Entrance examination, the academia has set off a research craze of "continuation task".This paper uses questionnaires and interviews with teachers to investigate and study the implementation, effect and existing problems of continuation task in senior high school English reading.Based on the teaching status and existing problems, this paper puts forward three strategies to improve the teaching effect of continuation task from the perspective of metacognitive theory, in order to help front-line English teachers in senior high schools effectively implement continuation task teaching, improve students' ability and level of continuation task, and thus improve students' English learning effect.


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How to Cite
Qin, L., & Min, X. (2022, October 21). Analysis of the Teaching Strategy of English Continuation Task in Senior High School from the Perspective of Metacognitive Theory. International Linguistics Research, 5(2), p16.