The Importance of Writing Scoring Rubrics for Saudi EFL Teachers

  • Hayat Rasheed Alamri College of Education, Taibah University, Saudi Arabia
  • Rania Daifullah Adawi Ministry of Education, Saudi Arabia
Keywords: Saudi EFL teachers, perspectives, writing scoring rubrics, writing skills


This mixed-method study explored the perspectives of Saudi EFL teachers concerning the use of Writing Scoring Rubrics (WSRs) to correct students' written work and instruct EFL writing classes. The study sample included 106 Saudi EFL teachers, who answered the twenty-one close-ended questions and the first open-ended question, with twenty-five answering the second open-ended question. The findings reveal that the teachers frequently employed in-class correction and feedback to correct their students' written work, with nearly one-third used assessment techniques that included WSRs, self-assessment, peer editing, journals, and portfolios. The results of the second question indicate that Saudi EFL teachers generally engage students in creating customized WSRs. The findings also revealed that Saudi EFL teachers consider WSRs beneficial to both students and teachers and might be viewed by some experienced EFL teachers as a practical correction or assessment method that improves students' writing. Therefore, this study contributes to a growing body of literature highlighting the importance of WSRs in teaching and assessing writing skills.


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Descriptive results of the teachers' perspectives on the implications of WSRs
How to Cite
Alamri, H. R., & Adawi, R. D. (2021, November 29). The Importance of Writing Scoring Rubrics for Saudi EFL Teachers. International Linguistics Research, 4(4), p16.