The Impact of Antihypertensive Agents on Health-Related Quality of Life of Hypertensive Patients
Chronic diseases and their treatment regimen plays a greater role in determining the patient related health outcomes of which one is Health Related Quality of Life. Hypertension itself along with its pharmacotherapy impacts HRQoL of hypertensive patients. The primary objective of the study was to determine the impact of f hypertensive medications on the health-related quality of life among hypertensive patients with the secondary objective to assess which medication significantly affects health related quality of life of hypertensive patients. A quantitative questionnaire based cross-sectional survey was undertaken in outpatient departments of Sandeman Provisional Hospital (SPH) Quetta using an EQ-5D-3L to determine the Health-Related Quality of Life. Convenience Sampling technique was used for data collection. Majority of respondents (8.7%) had no problem in first three domains while having some problem in pain and anxiety domains. Following them 7.6% of patients had some problems in all domains of the EQ5D tool. Moreover. the ACE Inhibitors and Diuretics impacts HRQoL of patients of current study. A total of 263 participated in the study of which (25%) of the respondents were of age group 48 -75 years old and were married 73.4% mostly. Majority (8.7%) had no problem in first three domains while having some problem in pain and anxiety domains. ACE Inhibitors and Diuretics significantly influence the health status of hypertensive patients acquiring pharmacotherapy. It was concluded that antihypertensive agents have a significant impact on HRQoL of hypertensive patients especially Angiotensin Converting Enzymes and Diuretics, which show significant impact on HRQoL of hypertensive patients. However, it is also suggested to assess the impact of antihypertensive therapies given in combination must also be studied in order to provide health professionals a better understanding of their prescribed regimen to improve patient related health outcomes.
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