Mortality and Morbidity in Elective Patient of Coronary Artery Bypass Graph at National Cardiovascular Center, Harapan Kita Hospital, Indonesia

  • Hartaty Sarma Sangkot Malang State Health Polytechnic, Malang, Indonesia
  • Puguh Yudho Trisnanto Malang State Health Polytechnic, Malang, Indonesia
Keywords: waiting time, scheduling, mortality, morbidity


This study is aimed to find out mortality and morbidity in the elective patients while waiting and description of waiting time in elective patients at The Department of cardiovascular surgery, Harapan Kita Hospital. This study research was using quantitative and qualitative design study. The quantitative data collected prospectively within two months from August until September 2010. From 58 patients, one patient died while waiting and one patient falls into stroke. There’s no adequate system in scheduling patient, including put the patient into the list of que, decide the urgency and remove the patients from the list. It’s known that morbidity and mortality are not found as a significant event happened while waiting for CABG in this study. It’s difficult to ignore the two patients, especially after knowing there’s no adequate system to decide wait time and schedule at The Department of cardiovascular surgery, Harapan Kita Hospital, while resources are still quite enough (facility and human resources) to accommodate all the cases.


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