Agronomic Performance and Nutritive Value of Mucuna Legume (Stilozobium Deeringianum (Bort) Merr.) as Influenced by Cutting Dates in Peruvian Central Coast

  • D. Escudero Food and Agriculture Organization, Peru
  • M. G. Echevarria Universidad Nacional Agraria la Molina, Peru
  • y E. D. Malpartida Universidad Nacional Agraria la Molina, Peru
Keywords: forage legume, fresh yield, dry matter, digestibility, net energy, lactation


The agronomic performance and nutritive value of Mucuna legume (Stilozobium deeringianum (Bort) Merr.) in five stages were evaluated under climatic conditions of Peruvian central coast to estimate optimum stage of use. Five cutting ages were: 21, 42, 63, 84 and 105 days. Crop growing, forage yield, chemical composition, vitro dry matter digestibility and net energy for lactation of Mucuna were evaluated. The optimum cutting age was 84 days with 25633.3 kg. Ha-1 of fresh matter and 6422.6 kg-1 ha-1 of dry matter. In this age crude protein, neutral detergent fiber and acid detergent fiber and in vitro dry matter digestibility contents were 14.94%, 44.80%, 33.15% and 66.12 %. Net energy for lactation was 1.43 These results show that Mucuna was well adapted to Peruvian Central Coast with high forage yield and nutritive value.


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