Evolution of Floor Construction System in Beirut (1840-1940)

  • Jad Hammoud Lebanese University, Lebanon
  • Elise Abi Rached Lebanese University, Lebanon
Keywords: timber flooring system, floor construction systems, timber materials


This article is going to deal with the evolution of floor structural systems; traditional structural systems during the late Ottoman period and the concrete structural systems during the French mandate period in Beirut. Beyond this, natural constraint timber materials used in the late nineteenth century and the available concrete materials used in the early twentieth century can direct influence the evolution of the floor structural systems which became an integral part of architectural design and typology. Structural principles of traditional floor construction techniques will be characterized and assessed in eight case studies tracing its structural systems in terms of their evolution. The subject matter will be approached in a descriptive manner for floor structural systems and the determination of mechanical properties of timber.


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Load-Deformation graphs of the compression perpendicular to the grain tests of samples C, D, E and F
How to Cite
Hammoud, J., & Rached, E. A. (2020, May 21). Evolution of Floor Construction System in Beirut (1840-1940). International Journal of Applied Science, 3(2), p12. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.30560/ijas.v3n2p12