Complexity Perception Among Stakeholders of Blockchain Implementations: Can We Use a Measuring Instrument for this?
Blockchain is a (basic) technology that has made its mark in recent years. Blockchain is viewed just like the internet as a basic technique. One reason for implementing a blockchain is that it can make the purchase of a number of applications superfluous, because it can also offer the most important functionalities of these applications. Complexity perception is a concept that can be the subject of much debate. It is not easy to define, and yet people want to get a grip on it. This grip can be that people want to measure it. From research in 2017, a model (prototype) of a measuring instrument was designed in which complexity perception among stakeholders of an ERP implementation is measured (Tesselhof, 2018). Further research into what is already known about blockchain implementations in order to gain more control and understanding as well as research into the use of the measuring instrument in a blockchain implementation is necessary.
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