Wind Energy Dynamics of the Separately Excited Induction Generator

  • Oti S. Ejiofor University of Nigeria, Nigeria
  • Eya U. Candidus University of Nigeria, Nigeria
  • Madueme C. Victory University of Nigeria, Nigeria
  • Eze C. Ugochukwu University of Nigeria, Nigeria
Keywords: drive train, excitation capacitor, gearbox, rotor, performance, wind turbine


This paper covers the analysis, dynamic modelling and control of an isolated self-excited induction generator (SEIG) driven by a wind turbine. The proposed dynamic model consists of induction generator, self-excitation capacitance and load model which are expressed in stationary d-q reference frame. The dynamic performance of SEIG is investigated under no load and on load. To predict the performance of the system, a MATLAB based simulation study using matlab embedded function block was carried out. Simulations from the variations of the speed and load display the dynamic behavior of the generator. A constant capacitor value of 100 micro-farads was used in this work. The simulation results obtained illustrate the changes in the voltage, currents, torque and magnetizing inductance of the generator. The wind velocity increase led to the increase in mechanical input from the wind turbine. This results in the increased rotor speed leading also to increased stator phase voltage. The obtained simulations also show that the output voltage of the induction generator depends greatly on its shaft speed and load; this poses a potential threat as it is capable of causing a significant variation in the power consumption in the load of the machine.

Phase voltage against time at C = 140μf
How to Cite
S. Ejiofor, O., U. Candidus, E., C. Victory, M., & C. Ugochukwu, E. (2019, January 29). Wind Energy Dynamics of the Separately Excited Induction Generator. International Journal of Applied Science, 2(1), p22.