The Prediction of Air Quality Status

Carbon Monoksida (CO), Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) and Total Suspended Particulate in Mobilization Stage of Railroad Construction Plan Kedundang Station and Yogyakarta New Airport Station

  • Slamet Isworo Dian Nuswantoro University, Indonesia
  • Poerna Sri Oetari Mitra Adhi Pranata Environmental Impact Analysis Consuntant, Indonesia
  • Indah Noor Alita Mitra Adhi Pranata Environmental Impact Analysis Consuntant, Indonesia
  • Tozan Ajie Mitra Adhi Pranata Environmental Impact Analysis Consuntant, Indonesia
Keywords: Carbon monoxide (CO), Nitrogen dioxide (NO2), Total suspended particulate (TSP), Environmental impact assessment, Dust pollution, Air Pollution Standard Index


Construction of the National Railway Station Cross Station Kedundang - New Yogyakarta Airport Station is an accelerated development program in supporting the economy of the special region of Yogyakarta. Construction of the railroad as a consequence of infrastructure development that enables potential impacts on the surrounding environment. This study is a predictive study of air quality that might occur after operational construction of a fire pathway with Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) with the Gas Sampler-Spectrophotometer-Saltzman Method, Carbon Monoxide (CO) with the gas sampler-NDIR analyzer method and dust particles with the dust sample, Hi-Vol gravimetric method. The data obtained is then converted into modeling using Caline 4 software, so that air quality prediction is obtained at the time of operation. Air quality category predictions use the standard air pollution index standard. The results of the analysis of the air quality parameters show a good category, only on the CO2 parameters that address high concentrations. however, based on CO2 conversion using the value of the Air Pollution Standard Index is predicted to remain in the "Good" category at the time of project operation. Therefore an air quality study is needed in the railroad development plan through an analysis study of environmental impacts, so that the management and monitoring of air quality can be carried out properly so as to cause disruption to the environment.

Location of links and receptors on caline 4 modeling
How to Cite
Isworo, S., Sri Oetari, P., Noor Alita, I., & Ajie, T. (2019, January 29). The Prediction of Air Quality Status. International Journal of Applied Science, 2(1), p7.