Reinforced Concrete Dapped End Beams – State of the Art

  • Qasim M. Shakir University of Kufa, Iraq
Keywords: dapped end beams, diagonal strut, shear failure, depth-to-span ratio


This paper represents a historical review, on the experimental studies carried out to investigate the behavior of non-prestressed dapped end beams. The specimens discussed are made of normal, high-strength and self-compacting concrete and subjected to several systems of loading setup. Different values of the (shear span-to-effective depth) ratio that were adopted by researchers are discussed. Some specimens are full scale other are prototypes. Different methods and suggestions by previous studies to strengthen the dapped end. Different failure modes that have been recognized based on detailing, dimension and material properties of the dapped end beams. Several parameters that may affect the behavior of dapped end beams are reported. Many shown also, the conclusions that have been drawn from various studies. In addition, some suggestion for future work are proposed and to extend studies about the behavior of the dapped end beams. Finally, a comprehensive list of references is provided.

Potential failure mechanism dapped end beams proposed by Yang et al. (2011)
How to Cite
Shakir, Q. (2018, November 21). Reinforced Concrete Dapped End Beams – State of the Art. International Journal of Applied Science, 1(2), p44.