An Application of Software Engineering for Reading Linear-B Script
Linear-B script has been studied for sixty years since its decipherment. The laborious efforts of the scholars have revealed many linguistic aspects of the oldest known form of Greek (i.e., Mycenaean/Danaic Greek), thus allowing the study of this Indo-European language and its dynamics for thirty-five centuries. In addition, linguistic phenomena closer to the roots of Indo-European languages can be also studied. Yet, the limited usage of Linear-B script, merely for keeping records, and its incompatibility to the Greek phonotactics causes misinterpretations of various kinds. The study of Linear-B was not supported till recently by interactive software tools that would facilitate both research and training. Especially for Greek speakers, the resources are even more limited. This paper presents the development of an interactive software system for the study, learning and researching of Linear-B by Greek speakers. This software system is also suggested as a model for the interpretation of other archaic languages.

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