3D Object Detection via Residual SqueezeDet
Three-dimensional object detection is a critical task in computer vision with applications in autonomous driving, robotics, and augmented reality. This paper introduces Residual SqueezeDet, a novel network architecture that enhances the performance of 3D object detection on the KITTI dataset. Building upon the efficient SqueezeDet framework, we propose the Residual Fire module, which incorporates skip connections inspired by ResNet architectures into the original Fire module. This innovation improves gradient flow, enhances feature propagation, and allows for more effective training of deeper networks. Our method leverages point cloud and image-based features, employing a Residual SqueezeDet to effectively capture local and global context. Extensive experiments on the KITTI dataset demonstrate that Residual SqueezeDet significantly outperforms the original SqueezeDet, with particularly notable improvements in challenging scenarios. The proposed model maintains computational efficiency while achieving state-of-the-art performance, making it well-suited for real-time applications in autonomous driving. Our work contributes to the field by providing a more accurate and robust solution for 3D object detection, paving the way for improved perception systems in dynamic environments.
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