On Farm Performance Evaluation of Exotic Chickens in Central Tigray, Northern Ethiopia

  • Berhe Teklay Tigray Agricultural Research Institute, Axum Agricultural Research Center, Ethiopia
Keywords: body weight, chicken strain, on-farm, performance


The study was carried out on two purposively selected districts of central zone of Tigray, viz., Mereb Leke and Tahtay Michew. The aim of the study was to evaluate the on-farm performance of three exotic chicken strains under the farmer condition. A total of 96 households (48 household per district) were participated and then the selected strains (Sasso Rhode Island Red, Kuroiler and Koekoek) were distributed. GLM procedure was used for the on-farm data analysis. Data collected during the entire study were, growth data, fertility and hatchability, egg production, weight and age at point of lay. Better overall average daily body weight gains were achieved from 12-16 and 16-20 weeks by kuroiler chicken strains with value of 10.29, 13.68 gram respectively. Egg at first lay of SRIR and Kuroiler strains were 23.69 and 25.25 weeks respectively. The overall average egg production in the study area was 63.36% which was scored by SRIR strain. According to this study, based on their fast-growing kuroiler strain and based on their egg production potential SRIR strain were recommended to the study area and like agro ecologies.


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